ibm t221

The history of Retina Displays - the road to the IBM T221

IBM T221 successful unboxing and first run

IBM T221 review - the best display ever made

Testing the IBM T221 further - PowerBook G4 driving a 4K screen

Setting up an IBM T221 DGP with eyefinity and cirthix's adapters.

Testing the trashed IBM T221

A failed unboxing - trashed IBM T221

EEVblog #1215 - $18,000 4K Monitor Teardown From 2001!

OS X Macbook Pro Retina 2880x1800 + IBM T221 (3840x2400) full Hz

macOS multiple display support sucks - trying the overclocked T221

Disassembling 4K display - IBM T221 take apart (part 1)

IBM T221 wide desktop glitch on Mac OS 10.4 with mobility Radeon 9700 (DLSD)

IBM T221 GPU scaling over two DVI links.

T221- 60HZ 3840X2400


March 15, 2018

Windows 7 Macbook Pro Retina 2880x1800 + IBM T221 (3840x2400) full Hz

Macbook retina with 2 x T221 monitors (23.6 MP)

T221 3840X2400 51HZ 9503-DGM.Ver


MGS1 on a T221